When one is aware of a narrative in play, one is wise to look at who is telling the particular story and then ask oneself why they are telling this story. It seldom has to do with the truth and usually with manipulation through feelings. What are the feelings they are narrating? How does this benefit the story-teller? Does it benefit others? Or, is that just the tale we're told? In other words, what's the narrator's agenda?
The current narrative is that if any person of color in the ministry has troubles in their ministry, it is due exclusively to white institutional raycism and nothing else. I'm using the spelling "raycism" because of it's casual weaponized overuse the word racism has lost its meaning. It's used so casually, and raised at the most trivial of imagined or made up slights, that it literally means nothing. Truth is the word raycism is so completely overused in a hair-trigger manner that the bludgeon it was meant to be is now experienced as a pea-shooter. There's nothing behind it, because no thought went into it.
In fact, there is a simple disarming response to being casually called raycist, sexist, or other ists. Simply reply, "Yeah, sure, whatever." and then go about your business as if nothing more than a gnat got in your face. You've treated the comment with as much respect and care that it deserves. Try it and see.
Turns out we have a perfect example of raycism in the ministry playing out before us. The UU World published this on March 29, 2018 [HERE]:
What indeed?
In reading this article, and then following up with church and denominational publications, a story becomes clear, but it's not the story of institutional raycism, but rather a story of demonstrated incompetence in the ministry, institutional failure at both the church level and the denominational level and is the story of an antagonist in the church that both everyone and no one is talking about.
Buckle up. This is going to be one HELL of a ride.
Your Old Pal,
Wow. Just fucking Wow.
ReplyDelete1) i seem to recall a WHITE, MALE UU minister who was un-fellowshipped IMMEDIATELY without ANY process when he was accused of plagiarism
2) what do you expect from a pack of idiots who have labeled themselves as White Supremacists
3) the UCC is known for being a pack of totally incompetent, ass-licking scumbags, SO, if THEY booted her, then something was seriously fucked up
4) why the fuck is a major UU "church" having to get ministers from outside???
5) the UUA does NOT ordain anyone (although most reporters are too stupid to get the time of day correct, so maybe this falsehood was not the fault of Boston)
The UUA deserves to be flushed down a rat hole