Thursday, July 4, 2019

The Debacle of GA '19: What No One is Really Talking About

So far, the discussion surrounding the publication of Rev. Todd Eklof's The Gadfly Papers has focussed almost solely on whether the book is racist or not. That's not a big surprise as this narrative spin tends to favor the dominant voices in the UUA.

Is The Gadfly Papers racist?

Not at all. 

That hasn't stopped the professionally aggrieved from hysterically shrieking that it is not only vile racism of the lowest order, but dangerous to boot. So dangerous that people shouldn't read it. They have been told that not only shouldn't they read it, but if they want to know what's inside they need only listen to one of the aggrieved as they tell you what it's all about. 

Readers may notice a similarity between this viewpoint and that of the Medieval Church in regards to people reading the Bible for themselves. It was thought too dangerous, and so the Bible had to be mediated through priests. Does that sound familiar? Who does that benefit?

As a cherry on this shit sundae, it should come as no surprise to readers of this blog that many of the aggrieved who are happy to denounce the book as racism haven't bothered to read it. (I guess reading is rayciss.)

Welcome to today's Unitarian Universalism.

Here are a couple of pieces from the Spokesman-Review, Spokane's paper of record. [Here and Here]

Lost in the rush to denounce Rev. Todd Eklof as a racist, and make sure that no one reads his book and become infected with opposing viewpoints, is what happened in the meeting he had with the Right Relations Team.

Here's Rev. Eklof's account:
And here's the version from the Spokesman-Review, which was given verbatim from the UUA:

Notice a difference?

This from a Redditor [Here] makes the timeline clearer:

My favorite part is, "Someone on the Right Relations team did not like the outcome of this meeting, and went above the Right Relations team."

That, my friends, is the whole fucking story right there. A meeting occurred, things were agreed upon, then someone on the very team who initiated the meeting had issues on the ride home, and went above everyone's heads. Remember, this is the new Unitarian Universalism. Rules are rayciss. 

So, who's on the Right Relations Team? Here is the official web blurb. Interesting, it doesn't mention who's on the team, although it does have a few pics of previous Right Relations Team members.
Yup, the moderators were members of this team.

Here's what no one is talking about, but at the same time is the issue: the piss-poor boundaries of the leaders at the highest levels of the association.

Let's just go through this again:

Rev. Eklof hands out copies of his book at GA. Some were offended. Some tried to stop this book from being read altogether, but settled on it not being distributed for free. Rev. Todd agreed not to distribute the book. Meeting over, decisions reached. In a sane society that would be the end of it.

Except that Unitarian Universalism is populated by the emotionally damaged. Except that the whole anti-racism CIA Psyop initiative is deemed too important to follow rules. It has to succeed, and it doesn't matter if it does so on a lie. The rules don't matter if they stand in the way of naked political grasping. From this, we wind up with declaring that Robert's Rules of Order are rayciss.

[On that:

That's from a retired Unitarian Universalist Minister. How things have changed.]

A meeting did occur, someone didn't like the outcome. Most likely couldn't find a way to virtue signal, or even more likely, realized that they would have to deal with the sniveling of the professionally offended for the rest of GA. (And there probably weren't enough hug boxes in the safe room for everybody.) That's how the professionally offended get their way. They cry and throw tantrums until they get what they want. 

And that's what happened. The official pronouncements are making it all about Rev. Eklof. You may notice they don't mention the names of the others present. What are they hiding? The reality is the unprofessionalism of the people on the Right Relations Team (whoever they are), the UUA Board member (whoever that is), and a co-moderator (whoever... wait... he? Mr. Barb Greve?) calls into question all of the processes and professionalism of the UUA.

Seriously, if you can't trust the word of your elected leaders, or trust that your leaders behave ethically, what the fuck do you have?

If this incident has proven anything, it's that the UUA leaders at the very highest levels can't be trusted and cover for each other.

That's what no one's talking about.

Your Ol' Pal,

Happy 4th! Maybe it is time to dissolve the Association.


  1. Thank GOD, yeah I said it, that I escaped that shyte-hole a long time ago. The UUA is a disgusting swamp of lying, cheating, mentally deranged sexual predators.

  2. Welcome back to the blogosphere, Devilhead!

    Boy is this a mess. I haven't really been following much UU news, as I haven't been to church for quite some time, and doubt I will return. So this is all new to me. I'm going to get a copy of The Gadfly Papers and see for myself what it says. I've read The Anti-racism Trainings which was about the ideological struggle in the 90's, but this sounds maybe worse? I swear, every time I hear a new report of something crazy going on among UU's, I have an image in my head of people lined up, whipping copies of the Little Red Book out of their pockets and waving them in upraised hands, screaming "You reactionary paper tiger!", "Racist running dog!" I fail to see how this aids in defeating any actual racism that lingers in society. It is more of "How dare you challenge the one true ideology and doctrine that needs to be believed by all as the one and only solution to the problem!"


    1. The entire "combat white supremacy culture" at the UUA is total and absolute bullcrap. Read the website. They say 1) talk about it 2) talk some more 3) hire POC into ministerial positions and 4) talk about it. The entire "combat white supremacy culture" is simply a jobs program for race-hustling POC clergy.

  3. It is sad that a great tradition has been completely destroyed by a pack of book burning Nazi bullies.

  4. If you want to really become incensed, read the UU World about the racist history of the grant to BLUU. They suspended Robert's rules, and gave them the grant without a vote. The grant of 5.3 MILLION was done without a plan or proposal of any sort. Later on, at the next meeting, they did a "cover our butt" vote. But the entire process was illegal.

    1. You are entirely right.

      The 5.3 million was supposed to be a seed loan to be paid back at the end of 5 years. (With the provisio that they would be raising the money themselves, BUT if they couldn't... the "loan" would be forgiven.) How much money do you think BLUU has raised on their own? How much? They should have raised 2 mil by now if they were on any schedule. So, how much have they raised so far? Have you even heard of BLUU holding any fundraisers? Me neither.

      And how much do you want to bet that when the time comes to account for that money, or pay the loan back, we'll all hear cries that honoring debts is rayciss? How much do you want to bet?

      The UUA has three years left.
