Thursday, January 25, 2018

Random Thoughts

I stated in my last post that once I discovered that the gods talk back it was game on. I guess this feeling tends to separate magicians from non-magicians. Over the years I've discovered that the only people who really want to communicate with [what exactly?] and have returned again, and again, to repeat the experience(s) are magicians. In saying this I'm not denigrating other ways of approaching the truth, just that it takes a particular type of person who chooses magick as a spiritual discipline. And it is a discipline.

I've discovered over nearly 40 years of practicing some form of ceremonial or chaos magick, that normal people are terrified of it. I mean really terrified. When people find out you practice magick, they tend to be terrified of you. There is a reason that silence is a principle of magick.

All of this is to say that of late, I've been working with Thoth, ibis-headed god of wisdom. (Gods tend to be very stable forces, and when I approach them correctly I get very good results.) Specifically, I began this working in August. The impetus was the recognition that literally everything in our world is broken. No, really, everything.

Government, business, health care, religion (both exoteric and esoteric), education, and on and on it goes. It doesn't matter where one looks, everything -- every institution that people have relied upon for years is broken, really seriously broken. Smashed. Shattered.

A perfect example is main stream media news. To claim it is a joke is its only point. We don't have news anymore. We have corporate propaganda. [This is legal because it is not governmental propaganda.]

Politics is a fucking joke. The system is broken. Some believe that the various interlocking systems can be fixed. Others, myself included, think it's time for a clean sweep. The old aeon is dying, all of its institutions are smashed and broken beyond recognition, the new is becoming. Although others may disagree, I see the Aeon of Horus as a cleansing aeon. Part of that cleansing is to dismantle, destroy and remove the debris of everything.

The Book of the Law was received by Aleister Crowley in 1904. It is written in three relatively short chapters. Each is addressed by a different god. The third chapter is from Horus, in his guise of Ra-Hoor-Khuit, a war god. The third chapter has upset some. Others have made peace with it. I read it immediately after performing The Supreme Ritual which is an invocation of Horus, and was positively fried with Horus' energy, and I "got it." I can't explain it, nor will I be a centre of pestilence, not now anyway. Long story short; the third chapter of the Book of the Law is my favorite chapter.

My relationship with Ra-Hoor-Khuit is a good one a very powerful one. I tend not to formally invoke Ra-Hoor-Khuit often, having only done it a few times, because the energy tends to knock me right on my ass. During one of those times, I asked to see through Horus' eyes. Having seen, I get it, but can't explain it; it all has to go. Completely.

The Aeon of Horus, the age of the Crowned and Conquering Child, is an age of almost pure destruction. It is not an age of rebuilding. It is an age of razing. Just imagine the Crowned and Conquering Child toddling through everything: playing with, randomly breaking, stepping on, tripping over, everything. Until nothing is left. Then we have to deal with truth. The Aeon of Ma'at, which is that of truth is prophesied to follow.

And that is why I've been working with Thoth. Thoth is a god of wisdom. I have invoked Thoth on a near daily basis for one thing and one thing only, to know the truth of everything.

Let's just say be careful of what you seek.

Your Ol' Pal,