Friday, July 17, 2015

Why Use a Pen Name?

Over the years I've found that using a pen name gives me a certain freedom. It's not the freedom you may think.

I've been confronted off and on about my use of the nom de plume, Devilhead, and it always comes down to the same argument. It sounds like this: "You're hiding behind a false identity. If you used your real name, you'd be accountable for the things you write."

The problem with this is that is assumes nefarious intent. Just look at the words, "hiding", "false identity," "accountable." That last one is code for "we want vengeance against you."

When challenged to point out what's not true, I have yet to hear anything at all.

The issue gets sidestepped by complaining about the tone of the piece. "What you say is true, it's just how you say it."

Example: This is from a friend of mine, a former member of one of the congregations I've served. We were having coffee at her place one day, and I showed her one of my other blogs. In one post, here, I wrote:
It's ironic that doctor's wives all look down on prostitutes. I've never understood it, they're in the same fucking [literally] business. The only difference I've been able to tell between a doctor's wife and a prostitute is one of attitude; a doctor's wife's sense of entitlement far, far, far outweighs any "contributions" she (and yes it's always a she) might make to the congregation.
Her take on it, and she's a friend, was telling. "Oh, my God. That's so strong!"

My response, "Tell me what's not true."

She thought for a few moments and reflected upon all of the doctor's wives we knew from our former congregation, and she finally said, "It's all true. I can't actually disagree with any of it... but, it's so strongly worded."

"Would it have gotten your attention if it were worded nicely?"


That's the point. Sometimes, one needs to get attention.

And sometimes, one needs to be left alone. It isn't, however, hiding. I can be easily found. I'm not hiding who I am. I'm also not telling you who I am. If it's that important to you go figure it out for yourself.

For the purposes of writing, I'm Devilhead, a nickname I was given when I was in my early ministry by another minister also early in his ministry. Both of us have since left the ministry and have both become practitioners of ceremonial magick.

From the nickname, through to it being used as an alternate identity in some magickal rituals, Devilhead has become an alternate personality. It's one I choose to wear, or not, depending on the situation, much like a godform. When I write as Devilhead, I am Devilhead. People who practice chaos magick will understand this. Others may not.

I have a few other blogs, all penned by Devilhead. One will be penned by Devilhead under another nom de plume, Jonah Nietzsche. To me that's funny. I'm hoping that blog will be too.

Why use a pen name? To tell the truth. It really is that simple.

We live in an age where people regularly use their own names to lie to us. Maybe truth needs the mask of a superhero, or a devil. Depends on one's perspective doesn't it? I'm okay being the devil, I like the devil. The devil has always been a friend. I also like metamorphosis; it's cosplay of the soul.

When I write as Devilhead, the writing is a hypersigil, with full intent.

So, why use a pen name?

I use a pen name because it enables me to speak truth to power... with power.

And the powers that use their own names to lie to us, well, fuck... they hate that.

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