Monday, September 23, 2019

The Debacle of GA '19: This NEEDS to be Read by Everyone

Short post, going to let my "guest" speak for himself. I encountered this today, it's a perfect, heartfelt, sad and hopeful piece written by a current Unitarian Universalist. He brings up a lot.

What strikes me is the tone. This is written by someone who's been a committed Unitarian Universalist, he loves the faith, but wonders about the denomination. It's beautifully written and deserves to be read.

Here it is from Reddit: Some Musings on UU & Personal Theology

It is continued here as a downloadable pdf: HERE

Gives one much to think about.

Your Old Pal,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, for the kind words, by the way. (Might want to add angy, sometimes depressed about the denomination.)
