Sunday, May 27, 2018

It's Funny Because it's True

Just something hilarious I chanced upon. It's funny because it's true.

Your Old Pal,


  1. Finally, I've found you again! I had been reading through your UU Nightmares blog when it disappeared. I wish that you had transferred the posts to this blog, but I'm sure there will be more to come that will keep me busy reading.

    It's been over a year since I've attended a UU church. I'm still on their email list and receive their newsletter, but except for one person who emailed me last fall, no one has contacted me to see what is going on, or why I've not attended church. I sometimes think of telling them to drop me from the directory and all lists, but I might not, just to see how long it takes them to purge me themselves.

    Heads up: the UU Reddit group has discovered your blog, and deemed you a "unhinged blogger ranting about his random fixation". I'm sure they are more bothered by you than you are of them!


    1. Welcome back! I found out about the reddit group yesterday. They all claim this blog should be avoided, but I've gotten more hits from reddit in one day. (If you want to have some fun, tell them you've stopped going to church because you read this blog. Enjoy the fireworks.)
